Newbury Photography Club runs several internal competitions during the year and we also participate in external league and inter-club competitions.
We have external judges for our competitions and it is always interesting to hear the comments of the various judges. By seeing other people's work and entering competitions, members often find that their general standard of photography steadily improves.

Internal Print League
Internal League Competition with 4 rounds runs across the year. (5 rounds in a ‘normal’ year).
The Print competition accepts prints of a general subject nature and members may enter up to 3 prints per round.
Scoring process – Judges will be asked to ‘hold back’ approx. 20% of entries from each round to then select a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place with any highly commended images as they see appropriate.
Scoring points: 1st 6pts; 2nd 5pts; 3rd 4pts; HC 3pts held back 2pts; unplaced 1pt
The winner will be the member who gains the highest accumulated score.

Best Colour Print - Travel Competition
Images that express a feeling of a time and place, portraying a land, its people, or a culture, in its natural state. Entries will be restricted to two per person unless otherwise stated.

Most Improved Photographer of the Year
Most Improved photographer over the last year in the opinion of the Committee.

Internal PDI League
Internal League Competition with 4 rounds runs across the year,
members can enter up to 3 PDI’s in each round.
PDI competitions have a specified theme for each of the four Rounds (one of which is Open). The winner will be the member who gains the highest accumulated score. The themes for the forthcoming season will be announced in the Club’s Programme each year. The Judge for the evening will be given the responsibility for determining the Author's interpretation of the stated theme.
Scoring process- same as the Print League.

Best Colour PDI - Macro & Close-up Competition
Macro photography is extreme close-up work often of very small subjects in which the size of the subject on the negative or image sensor and then on the photograph is equal to or greater than life size. There are a number of techniques to achieve this and the image does not necessarily have to be taken with a dedicated macro lens. Entries will be restricted to two per person.

Best Colour Print - Flora
The best colour print of a CLOSE-UP detailed study showing the colour, form and texture of a single or group of flowers, leaves, or plants (including fungi) with minimal editing but allowing for adjustments to levels, curves and cropping. Entries will be restricted to two per person.

Best Black & White Print Competition
A black and white print of any subject. Entries will be restricted to two per person unless otherwise stated.

The club is a member of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation (SCPF) and during the course of the year, we take part in competitions with other clubs in the Federation. Also, the SCPF organise an annual exhibition, which is held in Salisbury during January and our Club enters this event.

Challenge Plate
A competition between up to nine clubs from the Southern Counties Photographic Federation
2024-2025 season.
Download a copy of the competition rules here.
Internal club competitions are open to all paid-up members of the club, including honorary life members should they wish to participate. During a season, members may enter as many competitions as they wish. Unless otherwise stated in the rules for a specific competition, images may be in colour or black and white. Certificates will be awarded to the winner of each competition and to the runner-up for each league competition.
Authorship: The content of a print or digital image should be entirely the work and copyright of the author. Where parties other than the photographer have made a significant creative or technical contribution to the image, we encourage the photographer to consider whether their own contribution is sufficient enough to claim the image as their own work. These decisions are taken on trust by the club and are not ‘policed’.
Entries can be recorded either by means of a camera or by the action of light on a photosensitive medium. They may be processed by either photographic or digital means and can be home or trade printed.
Judges: The committee shall appoint an external judge to assess and mark competitions and the judge's decision will be final.
Prints: Images can be presented in any size, unless otherwise stated in the rules for a specific competition. It is preferable that prints are mounted to allow them to be handled more easily. However, it should be noted that external competitions have now standardised on a 500mm x 400mm mounted size. This is also the size that will fit the Club's pre-formed frames for exhibition purposes. Glazed frames are not acceptable for safety reasons.
Identification labels should be used by all entrants - these should be completed and attached to the bottom right hand corner of the reverse of the print – no titles or identification on the front of the print are permitted.
Prints are to be handed to the Internal Competition Secretary at least 1 WEEK prior to the evening of the competition along with the title and an exact .jpg copy of the print being entered on the PhotoEntry on-line system.
The PDI copy must be presented in JPEG format, using the sRGB colour space.
Images shall be sized to a maximum of 1600x1200 pixels, this being the resolution of the Club's projector. N.B. For portrait-oriented images the longest side is restricted to 1200 pixels. Where the chosen image ratio is not 4:3 and hence not exactly matching the above, a border (black is best) should be added by the author to create an overall image of these specified dimensions. The file size must not exceed 2Mb. PDI entries are only accepted on the PhotoEntry system that also allows for standardisation of file titles and authors names etc.
Projected Digital Images (PDIs): Images must be uploaded on PhotoEntry at least 1 WEEK prior to the evening of the competition. Images must be uploaded in JPEG format, using the sRGB colour space.
Images shall be sized to a maximum of 1600x1200 pixels, this being the resolution of the Club's projector. N.B. For portrait-oriented images the longest side is restricted to 1200 pixels. Where the chosen image ratio is not 4:3 and hence not exactly matching the above, a border (black is best) should be added by the author to create an overall image of these specified dimensions. The file size must not exceed 2 Mb. PDI entries are only accepted on the PhotoEntry system that also allows for standardisation of file titles and authors names etc.
Please note- It is the responsibility of the individual member to confirm their own uploads (if the thumbnail is shown in PhotoEntry- the image has been uploaded correctly).
Internal Print League
Internal League Competition with 3 rounds runs across the year. The Print competition accepts prints of a general subject nature and members may enter up to 3 prints per round.
Scoring process – Judges will be asked to score prints in accordance with the current SCPF guidelines i.e. in a range from 6 to 10. The winner will be the member who gains the highest accumulated score at the end of the Season.
Internal PDI League
Internal League Competition with 3 rounds runs across the year, Members can enter up to 3 PDI’s in each round. PDI competitions all have an Open theme. The winner will be the member who gains the highest accumulated score at the end of the Season.
Scoring process- as outlined above in the Print League.
Best Colour Print - Flora
The best colour print of a CLOSE-UP detailed study showing the colour, form and texture of a single or group of flowers, leaves, or plants (including fungi) with minimal editing but allowing for adjustments to levels, curves and cropping. Images must be taken in any outdoor location.
Entries will be restricted to 2 per person.
Best Colour Print - Travel Competition
Images that express a feeling of a time and place, portraying a land, its people, or a culture, in its natural state. Entries will be restricted to two per person unless otherwise stated.
Best Colour PDI - Macro & Close-up Competition
Macro photography is extreme close-up work often of very small subjects in which the size of the subject on the negative or image sensor and then on the photograph is equal to or greater than life size.
There are a number of techniques to achieve this and the image does not necessarily have to be taken with a dedicated macro lens. Entries will be restricted to two per person.
Best Black & White Print Competition
A black and white print of any subject. Entries will be restricted to two per person unless otherwise stated.
Most Improved Photographer of the Year
Most Improved photographer over the last year in the opinion of the Committee.
The Newbury Challenge Plate
A competition between up to nine clubs from the Southern Counties Photographic Federation.
An image, or similar image thereof by the same photographer, may only be entered into one of the Club League Competitions in a given year, and may not then be entered again into any other Club League Competition in a subsequent year.
In the event of a league competition being tied for placement then a ‘count back’ system is used. For example, the person with the greater number of 10s scored, then if still matched 9.5s and so on until the placement can be determined. In the event of there still being a tie a joint award will be given at the discretion of the committee.
The Committee may modify the Rules from time to time and changes will not take effect until the current season has ended. Members will be kept informed of any fundamental changes. For clarification regarding any aspect of the Rules, please contact the Competition Secretary or send an email to
Tables & Results - Season 2023-2024

Open & Themed
Travel Competition
1st - Kenyan Cattle Market by Tony Ware
2nd - Kracow by Alvin Webb
3rd - St Vitus Cathedral Prague by Paul Holdaway
Highly Commended - The Waterhole by Sharon Bolt
Highly Commended - Yosemite by Peter Thompson
Macro Competition
1st - Fly by Richard Pike
2nd - Southern Hawker by Jenny Bailey
3rd - English Bluebell by Jenny Bailey
Highly Commended - Wasp by Richard Pike
Highly Commended - Red Admiral by Andrew Buchanan
Best B&W Print Competition
1st - Heads Up by Wilf Springer
2nd - Flight Path by Gina Robinson
3rd - White Water Rapids by Andrew Buchanan
Highly Commended - Water Jump by Alvin Webb
Highly Commended - Dandelion by Gina Robinson
Best Panel of 3 B&W Prints Competition
1st - Faces of the Caribbean by Geoff Addis
2nd - Iconic Trees by Andrew Buchanan
3rd - D Day Remembrance by Rob Carpenter
Highly Commended - Dead Flower Study by Richard Pike
Best Colour Print - Flora Competition
1st - Dead Leaves by Richard Pike
2nd - Bamboo Forest by Paul Holdaway
3rd - Radiant Tulip by Paul Holdaway
Highly Commended - Daisy by Richard Pike