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David Boag - Classic Wild Landscapes

SPEAKER 28TH OCTOBER 2021 at 7.00 for 7.30pm start. Visitor Fee for the evening just £3, payable on the night.

David says:

"After family and friends more pictures are taken of landscapes than any other subject but so often the results are disappointing. In fact, a beautiful landscape image is not an easy photograph to achieve. A good sub-title for this lecture could be that there is more to a landscape than meets the eye!

In this lecture we will look at a variety of landscapes or habitat pictures and whilst enjoying the scenery we will draw out of it various features that we can use to improve our photography.

Whilst almost any camera can be used for an appealing landscape we can consider using it in a different way. I have also created a more interesting style of image presentation".

Visit David's web site at

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