We held our annual Mobile Phone competition on Thursday 8th July. The images had to be taken and edited on a mobile phone only.
The results were very close as there were so many excellent images considering the limitations of the equipment.
Congratulations to all the winners!

1st - The Parasol, Seville, Spain by Alan Teece

2nd - Scatty Kitty by Paul Bampton

3rd - Tree Stump by Ray Hems
Highly Commended (in no particular order):

Autumn reflections by Ray Hems

Cornish Beach by Karen Reeve

Lubega Power Tricolour Dahlia by Andrew Buchanan

The gate of lost soles by Rick Atkins

Sunset over Skiddaw by Mike Stevenson

Festive Lights by Mick Snaith

Socially distanced spoons by Tony Seculer