SPEAKER 10TH MARCH 2022 at 7.00 for 7.30pm start. Visitor fee for the evening just £3, payable on the night.

Wiltshire’s landscape encompasses quintessential scenes; whale-backed chalk hills, exquisite Cotswold villages, England’s finest landscape garden and quirky white horses, together with the world’s largest and most famous stone circles. Our ancient past resonates through the landscape and there is much to delight the photographer here. Yet compared to other parts of the West Country, most of the county remains relatively little photographed. In this talk, accompanying his book of the same title, Robert will share its secrets.
Robert Harvey is a professional photographer who holds the Excellence award of the Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique. He leads photography tours throughout Britain, as well as overseas. He regularly lectures to specialist photographic audiences around the country and is the author of several books on photography and astronomy including “Photographing the Heavens” (2019), “Night Sky” (2019) and “Photographing Wiltshire” (2020).
Visit Robert's web site at www.naturalworldphotography.net.