SPEAKER 26TH JANUARY 2023 at 7.15 for 7.30pm start. Visitor Fee for the evening just £3, payable on the night.
Macro photography opens up a fascinating world of wildlife, including many subjects close to home. This talk demonstrates techniques for making striking images of butterflies, dragonflies and other insects, orchids and fungi including composition, depth of field and controlling light, as well as how to find and identify the subject.
Professional photographer Robert Harvey ARPS EFIAP CEnv CSci MCIWEM, holds the Excellence award of the Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique. He is inspired by remote locations such as coasts, mountains and deserts, where untamed land is sculpted by natural elements. His photographic schedules are often dictated by sunrise, sunset, moon, tides and weather.
Robert is based in Wiltshire and is the author of several books on photography and astronomy including “Photographing the Heavens”, “Photographing Wiltshire” and "Britain's Best Landscapes and How to Photograph Them".
Visit Robert's web site at https://www.naturalworldphotography.net/