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Sport Images with Impact - David Keep

SPEAKER 17TH NOVEMBER 2022 at 7.15 for 7.30pm start. Please note that this is a Zoom presentation and all members will receive details to join the Zoom call from home. Visitor Fee for the evening just £3. Please contact us for payment details.

David Keep FRPS, MPAGB, FBPE, EFIAP is an award winning photographer based in Chesterfield. He will be presenting "Sport images with impact".

David's comments about his talk:

"Sports images are very successful on the competition circuit & there’s no surprise why - they almost guarantee an image with impact. In this talk, I will share my approach to gaining access, technical challenges on the day & post-processing.

Sports covered include; athletics, squash, tennis, boxing, cross-country horse jumping, speed skating, white water canoeing & several more."

Visit David's web site at to see examples of his work.

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